Are You Interested In Becoming A High School Baseball Umpire?
Well, you’ve come to the right place! At OCBOA we pride ourselves in first-year High School umpire training and development. Many of our past first-year members are currently officiating at the Junior College and College (D-1, D-2, and D-3) level and Minor League Baseball.
Please check the calendar to find information on when registrations open for this season!
Membership Requirements
- Registration/ Dues: Dues amounts are determined annually by the Board during the summer and shall be posted on the OCBOA website ( approximately September 1st of each year. The dues for 2019/2020 ‘Early Bird” registration are $194.00 ($84 for NASO Insurance and $110 for OCBOA Dues) until November 1 when they will increase by $25.00 ($219). From December 1 through the cut-off off Dec.3 they will be increased an additional $25 ($244)
- Insurance Requirement: All registrants are required to become members of “NASO”/ National Association of Sports Officials. This (NASO) membership is included in your registration dues.
- Meetings: A minimum of six (6) meetings are required. As in the past, this year’s meetings will be held at Foothill High School in Tustin. Meetings begin at 6:30 PM. There are ample make-up opportunities. Meetings shall be held as prescribed by the Board. All Members shall be required to attend all Association meetings with the following exceptions: a Member may be absent, provided he has a valid excuse for said absence, which excuses must be submitted in writing to and approved as valid by the Instructional Chairman; a Member may appeal the Instructional Chairman’s decision to the Board; a Member may attend a make-up meeting for OCBOA; a member may attend another CBUA unit’s meeting and get a signed note from the other unit’s Instructional Chairman stating that you attended their meeting.
- Classification Exam: You must pass the exam with a minimum score of 80% or the first 2 weeks of your schedule will be pulled. Failure to pass either the Exam or the Make-up Exam with a minimum score of 80% will result in your entire schedule being pulled. *NOTE: True Rookie and True Second-Year Members are exempt from being required to pass the Classification Exam and Exam Make-up.
- Field Clinic: You must attend an approved field clinic between July and the start of the season each year.
We understand the importance of a network of well-trained umpires who are professional and possess the knowledge and skills specific to CIF (California Interscholastic Federation) High School Baseball. Our efforts are congruent with the CBUA (California Baseball Umpires Association).
The OCBOA provides a training program with the purpose of developing the complete high school umpire in all areas:
- Complete knowledge of CIF rules, the intent of these rules, and access to the latest rule interpretations
- Comprehensive mechanics knowledge and its execution in the field
- Game management skills to handle difficult situations and promote the integrity of the game
- Professionalism in all actions on and off the field
- Adherence to the proper protocols for high school umpires.
Our website includes the following:
- News and Notes keeping umpires up-to-date on all aspects of the high school umpire environment
- Informative articles on Mechanics, Rules, Game Management, and Professionalism
- Video game clips with voiceovers
- Tips on how to handle challenging situations
- Rule interpretations and clarifications
The High School Baseball season typically starts in mid-January and runs through the middle of May.
All lower-level games (Freshman, Freshman/Sophomore, and JV) are one-man games. All varsity level games are two-man crews, and all Trinity League and Play-off games are three-man crews.
Game fees for 2019 were $82 for a one-person game and $84 (per official) for a two or three-man game.
Schedules are assigned based on your availability, travel limits, and ability (Rating). All first-year members of the Association are automatically assigned to Freshman or Frosh/Soph games unless they have previously officiated in another Association or have been evaluated by a member of the OCBOA Evaluation Committee.
For additional information, feel free to contact Gary Gilman (Assignor) at [email protected] or 714-296-2076 or Dave Winchester (Asst. Sec./Treasurer) at [email protected] or 714-737-7194.
Should you wish to register, simply click on the link below, or the Registration page at which will be open on July 17, 2019