Information For New Umpires

Welcome to OCBOA! The Orange County Baseball Officials Association assigns high school baseball officials in Orange
County. We pride ourselves on the quality of our umpiring, which begins with umpire training and development. Many
of our past first-year officials have advanced to officiate baseball at the Community College and College (DI, D2, & D3)
levels. Some have gone on to become professional baseball umpires.

New Umpire FAQs

What are the registration fees?

Fees will be $185.00 this year (this includes $89.00 for NASO dues – so, if you already have NASO insurance through any other youth sports officiating, this $89 will be refunded to you)

Is there any financial assistance program for dues?

First Year (Rookie Members)-The Battlefields to Ballfields Foundation will provide scholarships to qualified veterans who return from defending our country with an opportunity to get integrated back into their community through officiating. Active duty or retired military may have their dues and NASO insurance covered by the Foundation. Complete a short application by going to OCBOA has also established, through our partnership with the Ryan Lemmon Foundation, a Scholarship Committee to review applications and approve scholarship funding to those who are qualified and in need of financial assistance for dues and/or equipment (equipment is for first year members only). To be considered for scholarship funding, please complete the Scholarship Application that can be found at the site (Library-Other-Scholarship Application).

What experience is needed to umpire High School baseball for OCBOA?

No umpiring or baseball experience is necessary. OCBOA will provide access to multiple onfield and classroom training opportunities to help you prepare for the season. New umpires are assigned mentors to help ensure they are well-trained and have a positive experience.

When is the High School baseball season?

The High School Baseball games typically start at the beginning of February and run through the middle of May. Training to prepare officials for the season starts in December and January.

What training and testing does OCBOA offer?

OCBOA has classroom, virtual, and on-field training to cover rules, mechanics, and game management. All association members are required to attend instructional meetings. There is one general meeting and six classroom meetings (dates are posted on the OCBOA website). There is an Annual Classification test but first and second-year officials are exempt from this testing requirement. There is an open-book study guide test that all members must take and score at least 80%. All first-year umpires must attend a field clinic. This can be a clinic run by OCBOA (these are posted on the OCBOA calendar as soon as the schedule is determined) or an alternate clinic that is approved by the Instructional Chair.

What level of High School baseball games will I be assigned?

New OCBOA officials are assigned freshman and frosh/soph baseball games. How quickly officials advance to officiate varsity baseball depends on their experience and acumen, but it usually takes 3 or 4 years of HS umpiring experience before being assigned varsity games.

How are High School baseball games assigned?

Games are assigned using the Arbiter platform, by the OCBOA assignor. The cost of the Arbiter account is included in your OCBOA registration fees.

When are high school baseball games played?

Games are played during the week (except Monday) and on Saturdays. Most weekday games start between 3:00pm & 3:30pm. There are some night games during the week. On Saturdays, games start mid-morning to early afternoon.

How many umpires are assigned to each game?

Lower-level games (Freshman, Freshman/Sophomore and JV) are one umpire games, except for Trinity League JV games which use two umpires. Varsity level games use two- or threeumpire crews.

How much will I be paid?

High School baseball pays $89 per freshman game ($89 less a $5 assigning fee per game). The more available you are to umpire, the more money you will make. Umpires can earn additional money umpiring other codes of baseball (e.g., Pony & travel baseball).

What are the uniform requirements?

Uniform requirements are listed in the library on the OCBOA website.

How much does it cost for umpire equipment?

Umpire equipment can be expensive. There are numerous online vendors of umpire equipment, such as Honig’s, Smitteez, Gerry Davis Sports, Amazon, Ump-Attire, & others. Ump-Attire has an umpire starter set (Mask, chest protector, shin-guards, ball bag, indicator, and plate brush) for $219.99. In addition, you will need to get plate shoes. OCBOA has a limited quantity of gently used equipment and uniforms free of charge for new officials, which can help defray equipment costs.

Are OCBOA umpires’ employees of OCBOA?

No. OCBOA umpires are independent contractors and shall comply with California State guidelines for independent contractors. OCBOA members are solely responsible for their tax reporting, general liability, and medical insurance.