
Steps on Reporting

We need everyone to follow these very simple steps in the event you have an ejection:

First Step: Text Message

Your first step is to text both:

Please add them to your phone contacts.

This action should happen IMMEDIATELY after the game, before you remove your uniform shoes.  If  you have to leave the area for your safety please do so and then text them.

Example of your text message:

Official Javier Navarro Orange County Unit
Ejection @ Santiago Middle School
Game date and time 2/17/2023 3:00 PM game
Ejected: Head Coach Paul Caldera and or Player #23 Chris Maher

Keep it simply and don’t get into the specifics of the ejection in your text.
Use this template on a mobile phone. Click Here with your phone.

Second Step: Email

Email Javier Navarro ([email protected]) all of the details of your ejection before 11 PM that same day, please include all violated rule numbers and the actual language of the incident.

Click here to generate an email.

Once we review it with you, you can submit the ejection report at CIFSS.ORG. Using password 123 you can submit a misconduct here: